Today, February 21st, we celebrate International Tourist Guide Day, a perfect occasion to highlight how hiring a guide can unlock the hidden wonders of nature. Whether you’re exploring lush rainforests, embarking on a floating safari, or venturing out on a night walk, a knowledgeable guide can transform your journey into an unforgettable experience.
One of the greatest benefits of hiring a guide
Is their ability to reveal the secrets of the natural world. Certified by the Costa Rican Tourism Board (ICT), our guides are not only well-trained but also passionate about the natural and cultural heritage of Costa Rica. They act as interpreters of nature, translating its mysteries into stories, insights, and facts that you might otherwise miss. Their expertise allows you to connect more deeply with the environment and understand the intricate ecosystems around you.

There are certain activities where hiring a guide is not just recommended but essential. For example, Naturalist Hikes, Floating Safaris, and Night Walks are experiences that are greatly enhanced by the presence of a guide. These activities often include a guide as part of the package, and for good reason. Guides are equipped with the tools and sharp eyes needed to spot wildlife that might be nearly invisible to the untrained eye. From camouflaged frogs to elusive birds, they help you uncover the hidden treasures of nature.
The necessary equipment to enhance your experience
Our guides are not only certified professionals but also carry the necessary equipment to enhance your experience. Binoculars, spotting scopes, and field guides are just some of the tools they use to ensure you don’t miss a thing. Their ability to locate and identify animals, plants, and other natural phenomena makes your adventure both educational and thrilling.

International Tourist Guide Day
So, on this International Tourist Guide Day, let’s take a moment to appreciate the invaluable role these professionals play in our travels. They are the bridge between us and the natural world, turning a simple tour into a journey of discovery. If you’re planning your next adventure, consider hiring a guide—it’s an investment in memories and knowledge that will last a lifetime.
Happy International Tourist Guide Day to all the incredible guides out there! Thank you for sharing your passion and expertise with the world.